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What a Great Job !
That Guy On The Weather Network Tops Doc's List

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What A Great Job! . . .

          I am a big fan of that man on the Weather Network that does all the live remotes. I am sure you know the person I am talking about. Every day, he is someplace different. Every day, he is standing out in the weather, talking into the camera, doing his best to wring a news report out of the current weather conditions.

          "Now for an insightful, in-depth report, we will switch to Our Weather Guy on location in Atlanta..."

           "Thank you! I am here in Atlanta where it has been raining heavily. You can see that it is raining on me right now. I am very, very wet. If you look behind me, you can see that the streets and the sidewalks are all very, very wet. I see people in all directions carrying umbrellas.
          So, to wrap it up, it is very, very wet in Atlanta today and that is because of a heavy rain storm here. Now, back to the Weather Network 'Weather Central'; I am the Weather Guy In Atlanta...."

           What a great job!  I WANT that job! Just imagine flying all over the country being a Weather Network celebrity!   Granted, when something major happens, the Weather Guy is pretty much REQUIRED to do a live report from the scene. For instance, when a hurricane comes ashore, the Weather Guy will always be seen doing his live remote from the beach.
           But, on the 'off days', I am guessing the Weather Guy can call his own shots. Has anyone ever done an in-depth report on the effect of dew on a golf ball in Scottsdale? How about flying down to the Keys for a few days to do a piece on tropical breezes? Maybe we could jet up to Aspen for the weekend to investigate a rumor of snow on the ski slopes.

           "Now for an insightful, in-depth report, we will switch to Our Weather Guy on location in Aspen..."

           "Thank you! I am here in Aspen where it has been snowing heavily. You can see that it is snowing on me right now. I have snow all over me. If you look behind me, you can see that the streets and the sidewalks are all very, very snowy. I see people in all directions wearing ski outfits and ski boots.
           So, to wrap it up, it is very, very snowy in Aspen today and that is because of a heavy snow storm here. Now, back to the Weather Network 'Weather Central'; I am the Weather Guy In Aspen...."

           "Thanks, Weather Guy, for that insightful, in-depth report! Where are you headed for tomorrow's report? "

           "Well folks, as soon as I get off-camera here, I am headed to Palm Springs."

           "Really? What is going on in Palm Springs?"

           "I have been told that it is very, very hot there and I am going to check that out!"

           "Well, We won't keep you then!   We'll see you tomorrow reporting from Palm Springs!   Thanks, Weather Guy! ...    That was the Weather Guy reporting live on location in Aspen..."

           What a great job!  I WANT that job! A couple of minutes in front of a camera and its a 'wrap' for the day. Forget about stress! Do you think the Weather Guy agonizes over his scripts? I doubt it. All he needs to do is remember WHERE HE IS while on-camera. That isn't too hard. He could write the name of the town on his wrist if he had to. The rest of the news-story takes care of itself.

           Now for an insightful, in-depth report, we will switch to Our Weather Guy on location in Palm Springs..."

           "Thank you! I am here in Palm Springs where it has been very hot. You can see that, where I am standing, the sun is shining brightly and I feel hot right now. This golf club that I am holding is very, very hot. If you look behind me, you can see that the fairways and the greens are all very, very hot too. I see people in all directions wearing sunglasses and golf outfits.
           So, to wrap it up, it is very, very hot in Palm Springs today and that is because of intense sunshine. Now, back to the Weather Network 'Weather Central'; I am the Weather Guy In Palm Springs...."

          What a great job!  I WANT that job!



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